Tuesday 8 February 2011

20 minutes well spent

A quick look down the Riverside Park after work, the idea being there might be two Mandarins,  as there was no sign of any in Sunderland today. I actually saw none, so much for that theory. The Whooper Swan has returned and so has the Pink-footed Goose but I couldn't see the Scaup and only 17 Tufted Duck remain. The Goosanders, I counted 11, continue to put on a good show by the weir, giving very good views, as did a pair of Dipper, 1 of them singing where the Cong Burn empties into the Wear.  11 Long-tailed Tit, 5 Redwing and 2 Siskin were also here. On the flower front my first Dandelion of the year, the first time ever I've had to wait until February and a few Snowdrops were seen. A Little Grebe was seen by the road bridge on the way back. A well spent 20 minutes before dusk.

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