Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A broken fan but it's still too windy

It appears that technical issues have been affecting several Blogs I have read recently and I've got the same problem. I was on a roll updating the Blog but it has been difficult as my computer processor fan stopped and sort of fried it very quickly by the looks of it. I'm having to mess around with a combination of Bluetooth, non- network laptop and an iPad. Oh what fun!
Even though my fan is broken, the wind outside has been rather blustery, and that, plus the temperature having dropped considerably, has prevented me from seeing much the last couple of days. I have added a couple of new flowers with Oxford Ragwort and Ivy-leaved Toadflax both next to the recycle bins behind the town centre Front Street, and my second Hoverfly (Eristalis tenax) but nothing else of note. So to cheer myself up, I counted up my On Foot From Home Lists (I'm easily pleased).

My OFFH yearlists currently at stand at

Birds - 88
Mammals - 6
Moths - 28
Butterflies -7
Hoverflies - 2
Flowers - 75

1 comment:

  1. Talking of fans, Keith. I had to clean my base unit the other day. It sounded like there was a swarm of angry Bees in it.
