Monday 2 September 2013

Time for an update

Time for an update as I have neglected the site a bit but still trying to see as many species as I can in the 1km square in the little time I have. At the end of August I had reached 950, so only 50 more to go.

I'll try and fully list the final 50.

The moth trap overnight produced nothing new though a Havestman after some checking was found to be number 951. It relied on checked a bit of waste ground, there's surprisingly very little in the square which produced to more plants and then sweeping the vegetation for hoverflies yesterday which gave be another two.

So the  list has now reached 955 with these -

951). Opilio saxatilis (a Harvestman)
952). Persicaria lapathifolia (Pale Persicaria)
953). Epilobium ciliatum  (American Willow-herb)
954). Melanostoma mellinum (a hoverfly)
955). Sphegina clunipes (a hoverfly) .

Birds   80
Vascular Plants   336
Mosses & Liverworts  41
Lichens   12
Fungi & Slime Moulds   13
Terrestrial Mammals   9
Butterflies   22
Moths   281
Dragonflies   9
Hoverflies   30
Other invertebrates   119
Amphibians & Reptiles   3
Aggregates & hybrids (not included) 21

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